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The research group of psychoimmunology is mainly interested in the autoimmune hypothesis of the major psychoses. Investigations concerning the occurrence of brain antibodies, anti-neuropeptide, anti-neurotransmitter antibodies in serum were carried out during the last few years.

Project Leaders: Klaus Schott, M.D.
Anil Batra, M.D.
Grant: Volkswagenstiftung
Selected publications:
  1. Schott K, Batra A (1995) No antibody binding to serotonin in serum of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and major depresive disorder [Letter]. European Psychiatry 10, 372
  2. Batra A, Wegerer C, Bartels M, Günthner A, Mann K, Schott K (1995) Antibody reactivity in serum against neuropeptides in mental disorders. A DOT-ELISA analysis. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research. 3, 91-94
  3. Keller A, Schott K, Batra A, Bartels M, Buchkremer, G (1995) Brain Antibodies in Mental Disorders. Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 3, 225-228
  4. Schott K, Uhl A, Batra A, Bartels M, Eusterschulte B, Buchkremer G (1996) Antinuclear antibodies in schizophrenia and major depessive disorder - a lasting puzzle. European Psychiatry. 11(5), 263-267
  5. Schott K, Wormstall H, Dietrich M, Klein R, Batra A (1996) Autoantibody reactivity in serum of patients with Alzheimer's Disease and other age-related dementias. Psychiatry Research, 59, 251-254
Address: PD Dr. Klaus Schott
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Osianderstr. 24
D-72076 Tübingen

Telephone: +49-7071-298-2684
Telefax: +49-7071-29-4141

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Visitors since 04/03/1997:

Copyright: Dr.Anil Batra( , Dr. TiloKircher( , Prof. Dr. Mathias Bartels
( Last revised on 28/07/1997 by Dr. A. Batra